You can report faults and requests for repairs to our 24-hour service desk. Please consult the ‘Maintenance ABC’ first to find out who is responsible for which repair.
If you have any doubts about technical malfunctions, you can of course always call our service desk. Our service employee will then determine with you whether or not action is required.
The way in which malfunctions must be remedied, and at whose expense, depends on the ownership situation, lease agreements and/or specific complex situations. In some cases, you can report malfunctions directly to the company carrying out the work. In that case, you will have been informed.
You can reach us:
- by phone:on weekdays between 8.30am and 5pm: 088-545 46 66 optie 1. Ook voor dringende technische storingen buiten kantooruren. U krijgt dan verdere instructies via een bandopname;
- Altijd, via het onderstaande contactformulier.