Cookie & Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

This is the privacy statement of vb&t Vastgoedmanagement (hereinafter: 'we'). In this statement, we describe how we handle the personal data of our customers, suppliers and clients. This privacy statement may be amended from time to time. The most recent version is published on our website.

Through the site privacy-sensitive data or personal details are processed. We consider a careful handling of personal data of great importance. Personal details are therefore carefully processed and secured by us.

In our processing, we adhere to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation ('AVG') and other applicable laws and regulations. This means, among other things, that:

  • We clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this through this privacy statement;
  • We limit our collection of personal data to only those personal data that are necessary for legitimate purposes;
  • We first ask for your explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required;
  • We take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this of parties who process personal data on our behalf;
  • We respect your right to provide you with insight in your personal data for inspection, correction or removal as per your request.

We respect the privacy of our visitors and anyone else who uses our website and/or online services. We are responsible for the data processing. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose. We advise you to read it carefully.

Deze privacyverklaring is voor het laatst aangepast op 7 oktober 2024.

Use of personal data

Personal data is any data that can provide information about an identifiable natural person. We process your personal data because you use our services.

What do we record

Wij bewaren en gebruiken uitsluitend de persoonsgegevens die rechtstreeks door u met ons worden gedeeld in het kader van de door u gevraagde dienst, of waarvan bij opgave duidelijk is dat ze aan ons worden verstrekt om te verwerken. Wij gebruiken de volgende gegevens voor de in deze privacyverklaring genoemde doelen:

  • Name and address details
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Income data
  • Statement of assets and/or liabilities
  • Declaration of marital status
  • Bank details
  • IP address

We use this personal information to execute agreements, to improve our services, and to facilitate communication with our clients.

We have concluded a processing agreement with companies that process your data on our behalf in order to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. We remain responsible for this processing. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.

We do not process any special or sensitive personal data.

ID- Creditcheck

Om in aanmerking te komen voor een huurwoning voeren wij identiteits- en creditchecks uit. Deze controles doen wij om huurders en verhuurders te beschermen tegen misbruik. Dit gebeurt door een ID verificatie met selfie scan en door met persoonsgegevens, waaronder uw naam, adresgegevens en ID-nummer, gegevens op te vragen bij een gecertificeerd kredietwaardigheids- en identiteitsbeoordelaar. Zij verstrekken enkel gegevens aan ons onder strikte voorwaarden en volgens geldende wet- en regelgeving.

Fraud and money laundering

Under the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Wwft), we are obliged to investigate who exactly our customers are and to identify and report any unusual transactions. As a result, so-called PEP and Sanctions tests are carried out in order to qualify for a rental property. This is done by requesting data from a certified compliance specialist, including your name, address and ID number. They only provide us with data under strict conditions and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Public sources

We consult sources such as public records, newspapers, the Internet and public profiles of your social media to prevent fraud.

Early Warning

On 1 January 2021, the Municipal Debt Assistance Act (Wgs), also known as Early Warning, came into force.

Early signalling is the way to prevent arrears from accumulating and developing into a problematic debt situation.

As property manager, we implement this law. This means that if we notice that rent arrears have arisen, we will report this to the relevant municipality. We will pass on your name and address, telephone number and e-mail address to the municipality concerned, including the amount of the arrears and the due date of the claim.

Purposes and principles

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. Sending you our newsletter and other publications.
  2. Informing you about (changes to) our services and products.
  3. Developing and improving our services.
  4. We analyze your behavior on the website in order to improve the website and to tailor the range of products and services to your preferences.
  5. We track your surfing behavior on various websites in order to tailor our products and services to your needs.

The principles for processing your personal data are, depending on the case:

– the granting of permission;
– the conclusion and execution of the service agreement with you;
– for the protection of the legitimate interests of our clients, unless your interests, fundamental rights or freedoms outweigh these interests.
– To comply with legal obligations.


In addition to the information on our website, we may also inform you of our new products and services via social media.

Contact form and newsletter

Through our service, we offer the possibility to ask questions by means of a contact form, where you are asked to fill in various details in order to process your request. You choose which data you provide. The data you send us will be kept as long as necessary according to the nature of the form or the content of your e-mail for a complete response and handling.

We offer a newsletter to inform interested parties about our products and/or services. Every newsletter contains a link by which you can unsubscribe. Your e-mail address will automatically be added to the list of subscribers.


We will not publish your personal data.

Provision to third parties

Your data will expressly not be passed on to third parties. Social media buttons are included in our service. By doing so, the operators of these services collect your personal data.


Cookies are used on our service. Cookies are also placed by third parties that we have engaged.

When you visit our service for the first time, a notice will be displayed explaining why we use cookies. Your continued use of our service will be interpreted as consent to this use of cookies.

You are free to disable cookies via your browser. Please note, however, it might be possible that our website will no longer work optimally after doing so.

We have made arrangements with third parties who place cookies about the use of cookies and applications. However, we do not have complete control over what the providers of these applications do with the cookies when they read them out. For more information about these applications and how they deal with cookies, please see the privacy statements of these parties (please note that these may change regularly).

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our service. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google in order to make arrangements about how our data is handled. Furthermore, we have not allowed Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services. Finally, we have anonymized the IP addresses.


We take security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data.

Automated decision-making

We do not use automated tools to make decisions about people.

Storage periods and location

Wij bewaren uw persoonsgegevens alleen zo lang als nodig is om de doelen te realiseren waarvoor uw gegevens worden verzameld, om de gerechtvaardigde belangen van ons te behartigen en zo lang als wij daartoe wettelijk verplicht zijn. (zoals de fiscale bewaarplicht van zeven jaar voor betaalgegevens).

If we process your personal data in order to answer a question from you, we will keep the data for four weeks so that we can answer any follow-up questions or deal with any complaints.

Wij bewaren uw persoonsgegevens op servers in de Europese Unie.

Voor het optimaal kunnen leveren van onze diensten maken wij gebruik van systemen en leveranciers.

Websites of third parties

This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites that are linked to our service. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or safe manner. We advise you to read the privacy declaration of these websites before using them.

Changes to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is recommended to consult this privacy declaration regularly, so that you are aware of these changes.

Inspection and amendment of your data

If you have any questions about our privacy statement or about accessing and amending (or deleting) your personal data, please contact us at any time using the details below.

You can also send us a request to inspect, change or remove these details. You can also request a data export for data that we use with your permission, or state your reasons for wanting us to restrict the processing of personal data. Deletion of your personal data is only possible if these data are no longer relevant.

To prevent misuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately. When it comes to access to personal data linked to a cookie, you must send a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this in the settings of your browser. If the data is incorrect, you can request us to change or remove it.

Personal Data Authority

Of course we are happy to help you if you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under the privacy legislation, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Authority against the processing of personal data. You can contact the Personal Data Authority for this purpose. You can do so via the following link:

Contact details

Mocht u verder, na het lezen van onze privacy-en cookieverklaring, nog vragen en/of opmerkingen hebben dan kunt u contact opnemen met onze Privacy Officer via